Remember coming home from school to a homemade peanut butter jelly sandwich, glass of milk and carrot sticks?

by Mandy Metzger August 13, 2019 14327 Comments

Remember coming home from school to a homemade peanut butter jelly sandwich, glass of milk and carrot sticks?

Gluten Free Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies


A fan favorite with a healthy twist. Remember coming home from school to a homemade peanut butter jelly sandwich, glass of milk and carrot sticks? Mom sure is the best! Now you can reminisce with this throw back recipe. A gluten free peanut butter cookie with incredible pomegranate jelly on top.


Makes 24 cookies

  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1⁄2 cup brown sugar or honey
  • 1egg
  • 1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1⁄4 tsp baking soda
  • 1⁄4 tsp salt
  • 1⁄2 cup oat flour
  • Skylake Ranch Pomegranate Jelly (for dipping)
  • Directions

    In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients except the jelly. Stir until completely incorporated. The dough will be thick.

Preheat the oven to 375̊.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Scoop 12 spoonfuls of dough onto the sheet, and mark each cookie dough ball with your fork, crossing twice to make the iconic peanut butter cookie pattern.
Bake for 8-10 minutes. Allow to cool and spread on the pomegranate jelly. I’m telling you, it’s like beinga kid watching cartoons again, but a healthier version!


    Mandy Metzger
    Mandy Metzger


    100 Responses


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    A study published in the British Medical Journal of Sports Medicine on March 29, 2021, estimates that physical inactivity is responsible for 7.2% of all-cause deaths each year. This represents about 4 million deaths out of an average of 56.9 million per year. The American and Canadian researchers behind this work obtained information from several databases in different states. In addition, they tried to get the results closest to reality by considering pathologies whose causal relationship with a sedentary lifestyle is well known. In other words, we are talking about a serious level of evidence. According to the results, in developing countries, most deaths (in absolute numbers) occur due to the lack of physical activity of a part of their population. On the other hand, developed countries are more likely to suffer from the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, as they are subject to a much higher percentage of deaths. The study’s authors strongly believe that " the public health burden associated with physical inactivity is a global problem that will require international cooperation to mobilize change and achieve these public health goals." For researchers, change should be focused on achieving public health goals. This means increased investment in the re-opening of sports facilities during the pandemic. It also means making them available to as many people as possible in the long run.
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    The next stage is complex and consists in defining goals, objectives, research methods, selection and systematization of relevant literature and parallel drawing up of a thesis plan, which is a preliminary outline of the structure and content of future student scientific work. When familiarizing with the sources of information, one should take into account their novelty. The periods of obsolescence of educational literature are established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1623 of April 11, 2001: for a general humanitarian, socio-economic profile and special disciplines – five years; for general professional, natural science, mathematical subjects – ten years. The measures of relevance do not relate to sources of in-depth fundamental study of the issue. It does not stipulate the order and terms after which research publications: articles, dissertations, reports, etc., are considered outdated, but university regulatory controllers, when checking their thesis for compliance with standards, are almost always guided by the requirements set for textbooks. For informational purposes, no one forbids using them, but in order to avoid sending the finished diploma for revision, it is better to include only works no older than five years in the list of used literature. In January 2017, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science entered into force No. 1651, canceling the effect of orders No. 1623 and No. 133, which regulated the provision of university libraries with scientific and educational literature (it was in them that the terms of its obsolescence were prescribed). The new document aroused a lot of questions from the experts of the academic community, and the official answers of the department to them did not clarify the situation, so teachers still prefer to adhere to the old standards, determining the “expiration date” of the sources used to write the thesis. Algorithm of writing The scheme of work on a diploma is standard for all students – according to a single algorithm, graduates who write both project and research FQPs go to future defense. First of all, you need to decide on a supervisor, then choose a topic. It is approved before the start of the pre-diploma practice, to which the student is sent with the assignment for the FQP signed by the head of the department.
    The structure of the thesis According to the generally accepted rules for writing a diploma, its main part should consist of three chapters: First (at least three paragraphs). Written on the basis of a synthesis and analysis of theoretical information gleaned from selected sources; reveals the central concepts, the essence of a phenomenon or process, different points of view on the object and subject of research. Second (at least three subsections). Assigned to factual material and analysis of the problem; contains statistical information with quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon under consideration, a statement of the identified trends and shortcomings in its state and development. Third (the minimum number of paragraphs is three). Dedicated to developing a solution to a problem. His diploma student proposes on the basis of the second chapter with scientific justification, for which the theoretical provisions of the first are involved. The chapters should be approximately equal in length. At the final stage, a conclusion, an introduction, a final list of used literature are drawn up and a block with annexes is completed. How to properly draw up a thesis In student memos and on their official websites, all universities must post detailed methodological recommendations containing requirements for a diploma. They indicate: volume – how many pages in the diploma should be; structure – how many chapters to divide the study, what to write in the introduction and conclusion; what materials should be included in the attachments and how to number them; technical regulations – where to put down, from which sheet to start pagination, what font to use for text and headings, how to indent the paragraph and margins, line spacing; the number of sources in the bibliographic list; permissible percentage of uniqueness when checking for plagiarism. Most universities and institutes include in methodological collections: a template for the title page; forms of reviews, annotations, reviews; sample bibliography; examples of the design of references, footnotes, formulas, tables, figures, diagrams, photos. It remains only to carefully check with the university standard and follow the recommendations, since the normative control will be meticulously carried out precisely according to the points of the manual, and only then relying on GOSTs. Average requirements for a thesis: Volume – 50-70 pages, excluding attachments and, as a rule, bibliography. The number of sources is at least 40, and 70% are publications not older than five years. The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.80-2000, 7.1-2003, 7.0.5-2008, 7.0.1-2011. Times New Roman in black, 14th for text, 15th for subheadings, 16th for headings. The interval is 1.5. Margins – at least 2 cm to the left, bottom and top; 1.5 cm – on the right. Printing is only one-sided. The standard of uniqueness of the diploma: humanities – 80%, exact – 75%.
    How to choose a company for writing a diploma Checklist: A solid site – it should be a kind of Internet branch of an officially registered company with at least one offline office; that is, the site must be a full-fledged working tool, and not a one-page business card on free hosting. The age of the company is at least 5 years. Only those who really know how to work can become a “veteran” of the market. Conclusion of an agreement – the lists of customers of the company for writing student papers are not transferred to the dean’s offices, do not worry. You need a confirmation of the deal – to ensure that the work is done.
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    Remembering the name of an actor or finding the keys left in the evening can sometimes be difficult. It takes a lot of effort to recover the information you need. Forgetting is a natural process that is designed to unload the nervous system from unclaimed information, to protect it from overstrain. But increased forgetfulness can significantly complicate life. It can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, addictions, or information overload.

    If this problem is not related to injury or illness, it is realistic to solve it on your own. Memory can be developed and improved like any other ability. To activate its potential, regular exercise is necessary, as in sports or music. And vice versa – in their absence, the ability of the brain to memorize will decrease. Let’s talk about the most effective ways to help strengthen memory and improve brain function.

    1. Create associations and visualizations

    It will be easier to remember new things if you connect the unknown with the already existing knowledge. The essence of the method of associations is to combine the known and the unknown into a single history, to mark new information with familiar markers. So the information received can be easily remembered and quickly reproduced at the right time. With the help of associative parallels, it is easy to learn road signs, passwords and dates, phone numbers and credit cards.

    In 1980, the Olympic Games opened in Moscow, and 600 years before that, the Battle of Kulikovo took place. The number 5813 can be represented as a numerical expression 5 + 8 = 13. In this case, images are remembered even more efficiently. Better if they are unusual and even absurd. For example, the figure eight resembles a woman with large hips and voluminous breasts, and the figure five is a circus unicycle. In your mind, draw a fat lady who buys such a bike and rides it around the city.
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    Such illustrations should be large, three-dimensional, color and as detailed as possible. The skill of coding into visual images is trained and quickly automated. In the future, it will not be difficult to restore in memory both these images, and the meaning that is embedded in them. Once again putting the keys in this or that place, imagine a flower blooming here. In the morning you will definitely not forget where exactly the flower grew in your house, and you will quickly find the right thing.
    2. Learn poetry and read aloud

    The time-tested method is memorizing poems. This is not about mindless cramming, but about understanding the meaning, its conscious perception. Make it a rule to teach one little piece every week. Gradually increase the volume of the material. It will be easier to remember if you break it down into several parts in advance and teach it in quatrains. You can do this anywhere: at lunch, while walking or in transport. Don’t be afraid of a lot of repetitions. Over time, you will notice that it takes less and less time to memorize.

    The effect will be even better if you take the works of those authors whose collections do not interest you. It will take more energy to learn such verses. Try to delve deeply into their content and reflect on the artistic techniques that the author used. Poetry can be recited in front of a mirror or recorded from memory. Reading aloud is equally useful. It helps to improve diction, intonation and develops auditory memory. If you don’t like poetry, learn the lyrics.
    3. Try to remember forgotten

    It is not necessary to take the shopping list prepared before going to the store. On the one hand, such a list will help not to miss anything and at the same time not to buy too much. On the other hand, its absence will have a positive effect on the state of memory. Do not buy something this time – by the next trip you will have an incentive to better memorize items from the list and keep them in mind. Forgot someone’s name, phone number, password or recipe ingredients? Try to remember. Take the time and take a few minutes to do this instead of looking for an answer in your smartphone or notebook. This is great for strengthening memory.
    4. Master foreign languages

    You can learn poems and songs not only in your native language. Don’t know a foreign language – start mastering it. It is one of the best ways to activate brain cells and enhance memory capacity. If you memorize a few words every day, then after a couple of months you can feel a noticeable result. Learning a new language develops the ability to structure, analyze and memorize information. In addition, it is a good prevention of age-related diseases. For example, Alzheimer’s disease. The most popular way to memorize foreign vocabulary is cards with words and expressions. This technique is based precisely on visual associations.
    5. Remember the events of the day

    Another way to activate memory is to plunge into the past day and remember all its events. Before going to bed, try to reconstruct snippets of dialogue, images of people, their facial expressions and gestures, every phone call and meals that made up your diet. Try to recreate the sequence of all actions from the moment of awakening. Provide these pictures in as much detail as possible. At the same time, it is important to connect imagination, visual, auditory and olfactory memory.

    If it’s boring to remember the day in the form of imaginary illustrations, keep a diary and regularly write events on paper. It is recommended to repeat the same with the films watched. After the next movie show, scroll through the plot in your head again. Remember not only the main moments, but also the dialogues of the characters, the details of their clothes, the interiors of the shooting locations. It is even more useful to retell the content of films, plays, read articles and books to your friends. This not only trains memory well, but also develops speech, enriches vocabulary.
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