Remember coming home from school to a homemade peanut butter jelly sandwich, glass of milk and carrot sticks?

by Mandy Metzger August 13, 2019 14437 Comments

Remember coming home from school to a homemade peanut butter jelly sandwich, glass of milk and carrot sticks?

Gluten Free Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies


A fan favorite with a healthy twist. Remember coming home from school to a homemade peanut butter jelly sandwich, glass of milk and carrot sticks? Mom sure is the best! Now you can reminisce with this throw back recipe. A gluten free peanut butter cookie with incredible pomegranate jelly on top.


Makes 24 cookies

  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1⁄2 cup brown sugar or honey
  • 1egg
  • 1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1⁄4 tsp baking soda
  • 1⁄4 tsp salt
  • 1⁄2 cup oat flour
  • Skylake Ranch Pomegranate Jelly (for dipping)
  • Directions

    In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients except the jelly. Stir until completely incorporated. The dough will be thick.

Preheat the oven to 375̊.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Scoop 12 spoonfuls of dough onto the sheet, and mark each cookie dough ball with your fork, crossing twice to make the iconic peanut butter cookie pattern.
Bake for 8-10 minutes. Allow to cool and spread on the pomegranate jelly. I’m telling you, it’s like beinga kid watching cartoons again, but a healthier version!


    Mandy Metzger
    Mandy Metzger


    100 Responses


    March 17, 2021

    To set up, lie on your left side with your left upper arm perpendicular to the floor. Your left shoulder should be directly stacked directly over your left elbow and your right leg should be stacked on your left leg. Raise your right arm straight up toward the ceiling with your right elbow fully extended. This is your starting position. All you must do is simply raise your body off the floor bracing your core and squeezing your glutes as you push upward. You should be supporting yourself totally on your left elbow and left foot. Ideally you want a straight line from your head, through your spine, core and legs, down to your feet. In this up position the work begins. Your core must be totally locked in so your hips don’t dip toward the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to lock in your shoulder girdle and your spine, so you don’t slump. The side plank demands total commitment because now you’re supporting your weight on one arm, on one side of your body. This gives you a great shoulder stabilization workout (muscles worked include serratus anterior, traps, rhomboids, pecs), which is something older men also need. Isometric holds are great for stamina, using time under tension to increase your muscles’ work load—so I’ve been using them with my clients for years, especially older ones who are experiencing more back issues. If it is difficult to hold the side plank position from your feet, drop down to your knees to shorten the lever. However, continue to keep a straight line from your head, through your spine and hips, to your knees. If you struggle to support yourself or experience shoulder pain, stop and consider speaking to a PT before you add the move to your routine. To get started, try holding the side plank for 20 seconds, on each side of your body. Notice how your shoulders feel doing them. If you feel fine doing that, extend your time and shoot for 30, 45, then even 60 seconds. But like other plank variation, marathon hold sessions going beyond a minute aren’t particularly effective. Cap your work at 60 seconds, working to hold perfect posture for the duration of the period rather than focusing on the clock.


    March 17, 2021

    When I was in my twenties and thirties, I remember jumping right onto the basketball or tennis court, with no warmup. But, as I’m closing in on 60, I must prepare myself for workouts differently, especially for those types of sports that require side-to-side movements. During the day, most of our movements are forward and backward, in activities like running and walking. However, for guys who wants to be more athletic—particularly older guys—movement in all planes of motion is necessary to prevent injury and build strength. That is especially true if you’re sitting down all day on Zoom calls to earn a living. Years ago I developed hip pointers when I played a lot of tennis, a sport that demands explosive lateral movements. That’s when I started doing more side-to-side exercises, including lateral lunges. These movements are in the frontal plane, and work your hip stabilizers in a different way than forward and backward movements, which are in the sagittal plane. To set up for the lateral lunge, stand up straight and tall. Take a large sidestep to the right. As your right foot lands, keep it pointing straight ahead, not flared out at an angle—your torso shouldn’t turn at all, either. Keep your left leg straight. Bend your right knee and push your butt back, just like doing a squat with one leg. Go down slowly and as far as you can comfortably, while maintaining your balance. Lastly, explode back up and bring your legs together to original standing position.


    March 17, 2021

    David Freeman, National Digital Performer Brand Manager of Life Time’s Alpha program, hosted the most recent session. This strength interval workout, which will challenge you to use your muscles and work as hard as possible in short bursts of effort, switches up the routine. Usually, Freeman uses kettlebells in his training. Since he’s traveling today, however, the exercises will all be performed using bodyweight. You’ll use a 2 to 1 work to rest ratio to pack a ton of work into a short time frame. Rather than swinging weight around, a staple in Freeman’s programming, you’ll find yourself hopping to hone your fitness and plyometric power. Don’t dismiss the exercises before you try the workout—you’ll absolutely end it sweaty, with a hammering heart rate. Just like the traditional plank, it’s a variation that is the foundation for many other exercises. I highly recommend it for the older man who wants to build core strength and endurance, in a safe way. The side plank forces you to fight gravity from a different angle, and sets you up to move in different planes of motion than you might be used to (adding a row to work in the frontal plane, for example, makes you work in the frontal and sagittal planes). Many of my clients tell me that makes the side plank feel like a totally different core exercise, so it’s definitely one to add to your arsenal. That’s especially true since the coronavirus lockdown where most people are doing more workouts at home, with less equipment, less space and mostly body weight to work with. All planks work the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, multifidi, and obliques, but the side plank gives your obliques an extra challenge and some diversity to strengthen those muscles at a higher level.


    March 17, 2021

    Арбитражный правитель это особенный адвокат, какой занимается конкретно организацией банкротства (граждан и организаций).Проведение экспертизы юрлица специально назначенным центром;деятельность сообразно технической защите конфиденциальной информации;Лицензия федеральной службы безопасности для государственную тайну выдается для основании Постановления Правительства №333 через 15.04.1995 «О лицензировании деятельности предприятий, учреждений и организаций по проведению работ, связанных с использованием сведений, составляющих государственную тайну, созданием средств защиты информации, а также с осуществлением мероприятий и (тож) оказанием услуг сообразно защите государственной тайны». Процедура получения состоит из этапов:Минус первый – адвокату отрицание трудиться бизнесом.
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    March 17, 2021

    David Freeman, National Digital Performer Brand Manager of Life Time’s Alpha program, hosted the most recent session. This strength interval workout, which will challenge you to use your muscles and work as hard as possible in short bursts of effort, switches up the routine. Usually, Freeman uses kettlebells in his training. Since he’s traveling today, however, the exercises will all be performed using bodyweight. You’ll use a 2 to 1 work to rest ratio to pack a ton of work into a short time frame. Rather than swinging weight around, a staple in Freeman’s programming, you’ll find yourself hopping to hone your fitness and plyometric power. Don’t dismiss the exercises before you try the workout—you’ll absolutely end it sweaty, with a hammering heart rate. Just like the traditional plank, it’s a variation that is the foundation for many other exercises. I highly recommend it for the older man who wants to build core strength and endurance, in a safe way. The side plank forces you to fight gravity from a different angle, and sets you up to move in different planes of motion than you might be used to (adding a row to work in the frontal plane, for example, makes you work in the frontal and sagittal planes). Many of my clients tell me that makes the side plank feel like a totally different core exercise, so it’s definitely one to add to your arsenal. That’s especially true since the coronavirus lockdown where most people are doing more workouts at home, with less equipment, less space and mostly body weight to work with. All planks work the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, multifidi, and obliques, but the side plank gives your obliques an extra challenge and some diversity to strengthen those muscles at a higher level.


    March 17, 2021

    Представление «государственная таинство» закреплено в ФЗ-№ 5485-1 от 21.06.1993 возраст «О государственной тайне». Он говорит о книга, сколько гостайна – это защищаемые государством весть в области военной, внешнеполитической, экономической, разведывательной, контрразведывательной и оперативно-розыскной деятельности, распространение которых может нанести ущерб безопасности Российской Федерации.деятельный, связанная с обращением взрывчатых материалов промышленного назначения.Что такое лицензия для государственную тайну?Бухгалтерские услуги необходимы для тех, который хочет оптимизировать затраты для бухгалтерии. Если у вас пропали постоянного офиса и простой некуда посадить сотрудника, то передача финансового учета сторонней фирме – оптимальное решение.Адвокаты
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    March 17, 2021

    Присутствие предоставлении права использования программы для ЭВМ возможен частный режим заключения лицензионного договора путём совершения конклюдентных действий (возьмем, вскрытие упаковки носителя экземпляра программы) однозначно интерпретируемых наравне согласие с изложенными условиями обёрточной лицензии. Российское законодательство относит такую лицензию к договору присоединения<>], описанному в статье 428 ГК РФ.Сиречь не ошибиться при выборе юриста — Монополия для…Дополнительная потеря ради клиента заключается в том, что примерно сообразно делам о незаконном увольнении для подачу иска в ареопаг дается только 1 луна, а сей луна благополучно истекает покуда персона ждет ответа для свою жалобу.патентные поверенныеМы поможем вам развивать ваш бизнес 7 дней в неделю 24 часа в день!
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    Основная придирка, по которой вам стоит заказать бухгалтерские услуги в России чтобы ООО, – это экономия времени и денег.Для ИП дополнительно прикладываются:Схема обмана сообразно делам о защите прав потребителей.Процедуры и условия выдачи принудительных лицензий регулируются национальными законодательствами, в частности, в Российской Федерации — ст. 1362 ГК РФ.Внешнеполитические и внешнеэкономические сведения;


    March 17, 2021

    When I was in my twenties and thirties, I remember jumping right onto the basketball or tennis court, with no warmup. But, as I’m closing in on 60, I must prepare myself for workouts differently, especially for those types of sports that require side-to-side movements. During the day, most of our movements are forward and backward, in activities like running and walking. However, for guys who wants to be more athletic—particularly older guys—movement in all planes of motion is necessary to prevent injury and build strength. That is especially true if you’re sitting down all day on Zoom calls to earn a living. Years ago I developed hip pointers when I played a lot of tennis, a sport that demands explosive lateral movements. That’s when I started doing more side-to-side exercises, including lateral lunges. These movements are in the frontal plane, and work your hip stabilizers in a different way than forward and backward movements, which are in the sagittal plane. To set up for the lateral lunge, stand up straight and tall. Take a large sidestep to the right. As your right foot lands, keep it pointing straight ahead, not flared out at an angle—your torso shouldn’t turn at all, either. Keep your left leg straight. Bend your right knee and push your butt back, just like doing a squat with one leg. Go down slowly and as far as you can comfortably, while maintaining your balance. Lastly, explode back up and bring your legs together to original standing position.


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    March 17, 2021

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    March 17, 2021

    Который такое лицензия для государственную тайну?Лицензия ФСБ на гостайну: чин полученияПроверить сроки действия режимно-секретного подразделения, продлить трактат пред экспертизой;Не постоянно предприниматели видят разницу посреди налоговой и бухгалтерской отчетностью. 70% предпринимателей знают о необходимости отвечать отчеты в налоговую, ведении книги доходов и расходов, но скудно который осознает предпочтение внесения в базу данных первичной документации.2 августа 2021
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    Most part-time students pay attention to their studies only during the session, which can not but affect the level of knowledge.
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